Special Session: Biotechnology, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Engineering 4.0 Education

Special Session: Biotechnology, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Engineering 4.0 Education

Special Session: Biotechnology, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Engineering 4.0 Education

Special Session is publishes at the Research & Development, specific ideas, peer-reviewed and high-quality articles in the field of Biotechnology, Genetics and Molecular Biology Resesarches, , Engineering 4.0 Education. ICERE4.0-2023 is a good scientific conference and an indispensable reading and reference for people working in the field of Biotechnology, Genetics and Molecular Biology Resesarches, Engineering 4.0 Education. In addition, selected articles from conferences in the fields of Biotechnology, Genetics and Molecular Biology Resesarches, Engineering 4.0 Education and applications are published in this Journal of Engineering Researches. 

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The topics of the Special Session include, but not limited to, the areas listed below:

Track 1: Structural Biology 

Structural Biology is that the branch of biology which embarks the importance of biophysics and biochemistry within the molecular structure of biological macromolecules. It also provides information about the effect of structural alterations of macromolecules on their function. This process of determination of structures of proteins, nucleic acids may take years because the shape, size and assemblies of those molecules could also be altering the function.

Track 2: Molecular Biology in Engineering 4.0

Molecular biology concerns the molecular basis of biological activity between the various systems of a cell, including the interactions between the different types of DNA, RNA and proteins and their biosynthesis, and studies how these interactions are regulated. It has many applications like in gene finding, molecular mechanisms of diseases and its therapeutic approaches by cloning, expression, and regulation of gene. Research area includes gene expression, epigenetics and chromatin structure and function, RNA processing, functions of non-coding RNAs, transcription. Nowadays, most advanced research are going on these topics: Molecular biology, DNA replication, repair and recombination, Transcription, RNA processing, Post-translational modification, proteomics, Mutation, Site-directed mutagenesis, Epigenetics, chromatin structure and function, Molecular mechanisms of diseases.

Track 3: Biochemistry and Biophysics 

Biochemistry is that the study of chemical processes happening inside the physical body. Recently this subject has found its importance within the biological world because it has found its importance altogether fields of bioscience and biology. By controlling information flow through biochemical signaling and therefore the flow of energy through metabolism, biochemical processes produce to the complexity of life. Its main focus is to know how biological molecules produce to the processes that occur within living cells.

Biophysics is that the trending topic within the field of biology. It relates physics and biology. In other words, it signifies how traditional physical methods are wont to study the biological phenomena inside the physical body. Biophysical research shares significant overlap with biochemistry, biology, chemistry, physiology, nanotechnology, bioengineering, computational biology, biomechanics, and systems biology.

Track 4: Computational Approach in Structural Biology 

Computational approaches are a boon for structural biology. These methods use the concepts of bioinformatics to work out the structure of macromolecules. generally, the structure of molecules is decided by experimental methods is both time intense and price effective. to beat these constraints, computational approaches like ab-initio modelling, homology modelling and threading method are used.

Track 5: Molecular Modelling and Dynamics 

Molecular modelling involves the hypothetical and computational procedures which are wont to mimic the behavior of macromolecules. Molecular modelling techniques are utilized in various fields a number of which are drug design, computational chemistry, materials science and computational biology. These methods are used for studying and understanding the properties of the molecules. one among the main applications of molecular modelling is molecular simulation. this is often the technique which uses powerful lculatiocomputers to simulate the interactions between atoms and to know the properties of materials. Such simulations involve methods that range from very detailed quantum mechanical cans on atoms to coarse-grained classical dynamics of huge groups of molecules on a timescale of milliseconds or longer.

Molecular dynamics (MD) deals with the study of physical movements of the atoms and molecules using simulation method, so it's mentioned together of the sort of N-body simulation. The atoms and molecules are allowed to interact for a hard and fast period of your time, giving a view of the dynamic evolution of the system. The trajectories of atoms and molecules are commonly determined by solving them numerically using Newton’s equations of motion for a gaggle of collaborating particles. The forces between the particles and their potential energies are calculated using inter-atomic potentials or molecular mechanics force fields. Steered molecular dynamics (SMD)

Track 6: Drug Designing and Biomarkers 

A biomarker is an attribute which will be studied as an indicator of pathogenic and biological operation alongside pharmacological retort to a therapeutic involvement. They indicate either normal or diseased activity within the body. Biomarkers are specific molecules, genes, gene products, hormones, cells, or enzymes.

Drug designing is an ingenious process to seek out new medication centered on the knowledge of biological target. Drug is most ordinarily a little molecule that inhibits or activates the function of a biomolecule, which successively outcomes during a therapeutic benefit to the patient. Drug design commonly but not essentially relies on computational techniques. this sort of modelling is usually mentioned to as computer-aided drug design.

Track 7: Gene regulation and Cell Signaling

Signaling is that the process through which the cells communicate with one another. they are often secreted from the cell and released into the extracellular space. Regulation of organic phenomenon comprises a comprehensive range of mechanisms that are employed by cells to manage the assembly of specific gene products and is familiarly termed as gene regulation. Sophisticated programs of organic phenomenon are extensively observed in biology, for instance to trigger developmental pathways, adapt to new food sources, or answer environmental stimuli.

Track 8: Sequencing Analysis

Sequence analysis are often explained as a process of exposing DNA, RNA or peptide sequence to a good range of analytical methods so as to know its structure, function and evolution. The methods include sequence alignment and biological databases. Synergistic use of three-dimensional structures and deep sequencing is completed to understand the effect of personalized medicine. The usage of sequence analysis in structural biology will pave the thanks to new methods which may be utilized to work out the structure of molecules.

Track 9: Hybrid approaches in Structure prediction 

This is a price effective approach for determining the protein structure. The computational prediction methods, like initiating fragment assembly, advanced fold recognition, composite approaches, and molecular docking are regularly applied in recent times to expand our understanding of protein structures. Hybrid approach may be a channel to beat these disadvantages, by incorporating limited experimental measurements, reliable structures are often computed, and unlikely predictions are eliminated. the present researches are showing great interest during this method of approach.

Track 10: Structural Bioinformatics 

Structural bioinformatics is an exceptionally cost-effective solution for protein structure determination. Purely computational prediction methods, like initially fragment assembly, advanced fold recognition, composite approaches, and molecular docking are regularly applied today to increase our understanding of protein structures. However, predicted structures aren't given an equivalent reliance as their experimental complements. Hybrid approaches are a way to beat these limitations; by incorporating limited experimental measurements, reliable structures are often computed, and unlikely predictions eliminated. Hybrid approaches cash in of knowledge derived from a good range of various biophysical and biochemical methods. These methods are of growing interest in current research of structural biology.

Track 11: Frontiers in Structural Biology 

The focus of a structural biologist is protein structure determination and drug design. Protein plays a crucial role in physical body. Living things would not exist without proteins. The proteins are usually involved altogether sorts of expressions of the living organism. Most of the proteins are evolved in providing structure to the cell while the others tend to bin and carry vital molecules during the body. Some proteins are involved in biochemical reactions within the body which are termed as enzymes. Others are involved in muscle contractions and immunity. Structure determination of proteins has always been a challenging filed. The complex areas within the field include viruses, pathogens, membrane proteins and signaling pathways. Novel progressions are being wiped out the arenas of nano-patterning and multi-scale modelling of cell signaling proteins.

Track 12: Structural Biology in Cancer Research 

The main aim of integrating structural biology data into cancer research is to style and find out novel and effective drugs to cure the disease. Structural biology combined with molecular modelling mainly aims at drug designing. Consequently, variety of Structural Biologists are conducting cancer research, to speed-up the method of understanding the mechanism of biomolecules to enhance the newer cancer therapies.

Major a part of research is being administered within the area of cancer. the most aim is to style and find out novel and effective drugs to cure the disease. Structural biology combined with molecular modelling mainly aims at drug designing. Subsequently, numerous team leaders in Structural biology perform cancer research to accelerate the exploitation of molecular understanding of biomolecules within the advancement of novel cancer therapies.

Track 13: Structural Biology Databases 

A database is an organized collection of knowledge. As a result of enormous research which is being wiped out Structural biology massive data has been produced. to assemble the info during a catalogued manner, bioinformatics databases are used. Various databases are created to store biological data, like sequence databases, structure databases, signaling pathway databases, etc.

A database may be a structured collection of knowledge. within the field of structural biology enormous research is being done and as a result massive data is being produced to pile the info in an organized manner, bioinformatics databases are used. Various databases are created to store biological data, like sequence databases, structure databases, signaling pathway databases, etc. within the field of structural biology, the mainly used databases are Protein Data Bank

(PDB), microscopy Data Bank, Protein Structure Classification Database (CATH) and Structural Classification of Protein (SCOP).

Track 14: Advancements in structural Biology 

Structural biology is one among the progressing fields. within the course of your time many developments are happening. Huge numbers of solved structures have exaggerated rapidly. the sector of drug design and drug discovery has been advanced. Functional annotations are another field where progressions are rapidly evolving. Alterations to enhance the effectiveness of prevailing tools also can be noted. Remarkable advances are made within the areas of technical imaging and advancement of hybrid methods to know the structure and performance of proteins.

Track 15: Molecular and Structural Biochemistry    

Structural Biochemistry is a sub-division of biochemistry that mainly focuses on the structural characteristics of the molecules within the cells and other made from living organisms. The main area is concentrated on structural basis of fundamental biological processes. It involves the study of the structure of macro molecules. It includes methods for structure determination and large data of structural information. Few of the tools are going to be wont to study some class of structures like membrane, regulatory proteins, and structural proteins. These structural macromolecules will provide the framework for discussion on domains, motifs, structural homology, etc., also as addressing on how specific biological problems are often solved at the atomic level.

Track 16: Protein and Analytical Biochemistry 

Proteins offer most of the molecular machinery of cells. Several square measure enzymes or subunits of enzymes. Alternative proteins play structural or mechanical roles, like those that kind the struts and joints of the structure.

Every macromolecule is linear polymers designed of amino acids. Analytical biochemistry can be mentioned as a study of biochemical components found in a cell or other biological sample. This field uses a broad vary of techniques for separation, identification, quantification and practical characterization of biological molecules like nucleic acids, enzymes, proteins, pigments, carbohydrates and further.

Track 17: Molecular Medicine

A branch of medicine that develops ways to diagnose and treat disease by understanding the way genes, proteins, and other cellular molecules work. Molecular medicine is based on research that shows how certain genes, molecules, and cellular functions may become abnormal in diseases such as cancer.

In recent findings elucidate disease pathogenesis at the molecular or physiological level, which may lead to the design of specific tools for disease diagnosis, treatment, or prevention. Manuscripts containing material relevant to the genetic, molecular, or cellular basis of key physiologic or disease processes are considered for publication. Manuscripts submitted to Molecular Medicine should describe the implications of the results for human disease and medicine, at a level approachable by our broad audience.

Track 18: Molecular Development Biology 

Molecular Development Biology is the study of the process by which organisms grow and develop at a molecular and genetic level. The study is concerned with the genetic control of cell growth, differentiation, proliferation, and morphogenesis.

Studies in the field of molecular developmental biology provide insight about the changes that occur at the cellular level during differentiation and development. Researchers examine the physical and chemical mechanisms that regulate cell functions. This helps in understanding how cells give rise to specialized tissues within the maturing embryo, and how defects at the molecular level can lead to disease states.

Track 19: Molecular Virology 

Molecular virology is the study of viruses on a molecular level. Viruses are submicroscopic parasites that replicate inside host cells.

Molecular Virology of Human Pathogenic Viruses provides essential information for students and professionals in virology, molecular biology, microbiology, infectious disease, and immunology and contains outstanding features such as study questions and recommended journal articles with perspectives at the end of each chapter to assist students with scientific inquiries and in reading primary literature.

Track 20: Theoretical Bases of Biotechnology 

Biotechnology is a broad area of biology, involving the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make products. Depending on the tools and applications, it often overlaps with related scientific fields. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, biotechnology has expanded to include new and diverse sciences, such as genomics, recombinant gene techniques, applied immunology, and development of pharmaceutical therapies and diagnostic tests. The term biotechnology was first used by Karl Erik in 1919, meaning the production of products from raw materials with the aid of living organisms.

Biotechnology is a wide-ranging discipline in which biological phenomena, organisms, cells, or cellular components are exposed to the scientific engineering to develop new technologies.

Track 21: Structural and Functional Genomics

Structural genomics involves the physical nature of genomes and includes the sequencing and mapping of genomes. Functional genomics involves studying the expression and function of the genome. Genomics can also involve the investigation of interactions between genes and between genes and the environment.

The field of genomics can be subdivided into a number of areas. For instance, comparative genomics involves comparing the genomes of different organisms. Comparative genomics can be used to define important structural sequences that are identical in many genomes and to detect evolutionary changes across genomes. Structural genomics involves the physical nature of genomes and includes the sequencing and mapping of genomes. Functional genomics involves studying the expression and function of the genome. Genomics can also involve the investigation of interactions between genes and between genes and the environment.

Track 22: Computational Biology 

Computational biology, a branch of biology involving the application of computers and computer science to the understanding and modeling of the structures and processes of life. It entails the use of computational methods (e.g., algorithms) for the representation and simulation of biological systems, as well as for the interpretation of experimental data, often on a very large scale.

Computational biology, which includes many aspects of bioinformatics, is the science of using biological data to develop algorithms or models in order to understand biological systems and relationships. Until recently, biologists did not have access to very large amounts of data.

Track 23: Bioluminescence

Bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by a living organism. It is a form of chemiluminescence. Bioluminescence occurs widely in marine vertebrates and invertebrates, as well as in some fungi, microorganisms including some bioluminescent bacteria, and terrestrial arthropods such as fireflies.


Cell medical care and Molecular medication special session is to elevate the knowledge, awareness, and education on cell medical care, factor medical aid, molecular medication and somatic cell analysis leading to the invention of molecular therapies that aids to alleviate the human diseases because it is that the most vital rising technology within the eyes of medical, biotechnology, prescription drugs and academe. Cell medical aid and Molecular medication Event can address key problems regarding cell medical aid, factor medical aid and molecular medication within the broader context of cellular and inherited disorder.

Track 1: Cell Therapy 

Cell therapy (also referred to as cellular therapy, cell transplantation, or cytotherapy) could also be a therapy during which viable cells are injected, grafted or implanted into a patient so on effectuate a medicinal effect, such as by transplantation of T-cells capable of inhibiting cancer cells through cell-mediated immunity during the course of immunotherapy, or grafting stem cells to regenerate damaged tissues. Cell therapy originated within the nineteenth century when scientists experimented by injecting material to stop and treat illness. Although such attempts produced no positive benefit, further research found within the mid twentieth century that human cells might be able to help prevent the physical body rejecting transplanted organs, leading to successful bone marrow transplantation as it has become common practice in treatment for patients that have compromised bone marrow after infection, disease, radiation or chemotherapy. In recent decades, however, somatic cell and cell transplantation has gained significant interest by researchers as a possible new therapeutic strategy for a good range of diseases, especially for degenerative and immunogenic pathologies.

Track 2: Gene Therapy 

Gene medical care primarily involves the introduction or alteration of genetic material inside a cell or organism with Associate in nursing intention of hardening the illness. Each cell medical care and sequence medical care square measure overlapping fields of drugs analysis with the goals of repairing the direct explanation for genetic diseases in polymer or cellular population severally. The invention of recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid technology within the seventies provided tools to expeditiously develop sequence medical care. Scientists use these techniques to manipulate infective agent genomes, isolate genes and establish mutations concerned in human illness, characterize and regulate sequence expressions, and engineer numerous infective agent and non-infective agent vectors. Numerous ends of the day treatments for anaemia, blood disorder, monogenic disease, genetic disorder, Gauscher’s illness, lysosomal storage diseases, vessel diseases, polygenic disease and diseases of bones and joints area unit resolved through productive sequence medical aid and area unit elusive lately.

Track 3: Molecular Medicine 

Molecular medication may be a branch of drugs that develops ways that to diagnose and treat diseases by understanding the ways that genes, proteins and alternative cellular molecules work. It’s a broad field wherever physical, chemical, biological, bioinformatics, and medical techniques square measure wont to describe molecular structures and mechanisms, determine elementary molecular and genetic errors of the malady, and to develop molecular interventions to correct them. Molecular medication has currently days established to be associate exciting field of analysis as a number of the recent advancements has light-emitting diode to improved clinical advantages for human health. These square measure LPS- elicited inflammatory response is suppressed by Wnt inhibitors, Dickkopf-1 and LGK974, Selective inhibition of viral hemorrhagic fever entry with selective steroid hormone receptor modulators by disrupting the endolysosomal metal, ApoA-IV improves hypoglycaemic agent sensitivity and aldohexose uptake in mouse adipocytes via PI3K-Akt signalling and lots of additional.

Track 4: Immunotherapy 

Due to a pace advancing field of cancer medicine in past few years, there has been production of the many new strategies of treating cancer referred to as Immunotherapies. Therapy could also be a spread of treatment which will increase the strength of reaction against tumors either by stimulating the activities of specific elements of system or by counteracting signals made by cancer cells that suppress immune responses. Some kinds of therapy also are known as biological medical care or biotherapy. Recent advancements in cancer immunotherapies have provided new therapeutic approaches. These incorporate tumor-associated macrophages as targets of treatment in medicine, unmoved activation of platelets with stop inhibitors after surgical cancer therapy, immune stop blockade and associated endocrinopathies.

Track 5: Genetic modifications of cells and Synthetic Biology 

Synthetic Biology is one in all the rising field of analysis which will be generally delineate because the style and construction of novel artificial biological pathways, organisms or devices or the redesigning of existing natural biological systems. Ordering piece of writing with designed nucleases could be a style of DNA technology, biotechnology within which DNA is inserted, replaced or deleted within the ordering of organism exploitation designed nucleases or “molecular scissors”. These nucleases thus produce web site specific double stranded breaks (DSBs) at desired locations within the ordering. The iatrogenic double stranded breaks square measure repaired through non homologous end-connection (NHEJ) or homologous recombination (HR), therefore leading to targeted mutations (edit). Scientists currently a days use varied designed nucleases so as to bring desired changes within the human ordering.

Track 6: Advances in Cell Engineering, Imaging and Screening 

In recent times, advancements in cell engineering, imaging and screening have reached an excellent height within the field of science & technology and conjointly within the business world. It attracted several scientists and conjointly established firms within the field to gift their latest scientific achievements and exciting technological solutions through displays in many sessions. This has helped in up the knowledge base among the individuals, scientists, researchers and exhibitors from everywhere the globe so enhancing their scientific curiosity and providing sturdy solutions against technological problems.

Track 7: Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear medicine could be a branch of medical imaging that involves the application of radioactive substances known as radiotracers that square measure usually injected into the blood, indrawn or enveloped. The radiotracer then travels through the realm being examined and offers energy within the variability of gamma rays, that area unit detected by a special camera and a laptop to make pictures of within the body. it's accustomed diagnose or verify the severity of or treat differing kinds of diseases like many varieties of cancers, cardiovascular disease, nervous disorder, epithelial duct illness, and alternative abnormalities within the body. As medicine techniques square measure ready to determine molecular activity inside the body, they provide the aptitude to find diseases in its early stages further as a patient’s immediate response to therapeutic interventions. These measures common imaging ways in medicine, one is Single gauge boson Emission computerized tomography (SPECT) and other alternative is antilepton Emission pictorial representation or PET scans.

Track 8: Cellular and Technological Breakthroughs in Cancer 

Cancer is a process when the cells grow aberrantly and ends up in injury of traditional tissues, inflicting loss of function and causes pain. The cancer therapeutic medication square measures those medications that block the expansion and unfold of cancer by meddling with specific molecules (molecular targets) that square measure concerned with the growth, progression and unfold of cancer. Moreover, cistron medical aid approaches is additionally designed to directly kill growth cells exploitation growth killing viruses, or through the introduction of genes termed as suicide genes into the growth cells. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved several cancer therapies so as to treat specific types of cancers. To develop targeted therapies it requires for the identification of best targets that will play a key role in neoplastic cell growth and survival. A way to spot potential targets is by checking the amounts of individual proteins in cancer cells with those in traditional cells. Cistron silencing has conjointly been designed to inhibit the expression of specific genes that area unit activated or over expressed in cancer cells and may drive growth, vessel formation and permit resistance for therapy.

Track 9: Stem Cell Therapeutics and Regenerative Medicine 

Stem cells will self-renew themselves and differentiate or transform a lot of specialised cells. They’re the muse for every organ and tissue in our body. Because of this ability of the stem cells, they have tremendous promise to help U.S. perceive and treat a good vary of diseases, injuries and alternative health connected issues. Bone marrow transplantation is that the foremost generally used vegetative cell medical care , however variety of the therapies area unit derived from duct blood are in use lately . Likewise, blood stem cells area unit accustomed treat diseases of blood, a medical care that has saved thousands of lives of kids with cancer of the blood. Some bone, skin and membrane (eye) injuries and diseases are treated by graft or implanting tissues and thus the healing method depends on stem cells with planted tissue. Regenerative medicines aims to switch tissues or organs that are broken by illness, trauma, or non-heritable problems that is in distinction to this clinical strategy that focuses totally on treating the symptoms. These regenerative medicines have wide appropriateness in treating chronic scatters together with medical specialty, cardio tube-shaped structure, and neuro-chronic diseases. Cell treatment is the fastest developing part of regenerative drug and this undeveloped cell treatment is creating up the most important part of this sector.

Track 10: Rare Diseases & Orphan drugs 

Rare diseases are dangerous or inveterately exhausting conditions, touching no over five in ten, 1000 persons within the European Union in line with the Regulation (EC) N. 141/2000 of the ecu Parliament and of the Council. It’s calculable that between 6000 - 8000 distinct rare diseases have effects on up to six of the full EU population. Therefore, these conditions may be thought-about rare if taken singly however they have an effect on a major proportion of the population once thought-about as one cluster. Many initiatives are taken at international, European and national level to tackle public health still as analysis problems associated with identification, prevention, treatment and police investigation of those diseases. In past twenty years efforts are created to encourage corporations to develop orphan medicine. The Orphan Drug Act of USA (1983) was succeeded by similar legislation in Japan (1985), Australia (1997), and also the European Union (2000). The encouragement takes 3 forms: tax credits and analysis aids, simplification of selling authorization procedures, and extended market completely.

Scientific sessions:

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Algal Biotechnology
Medical Biotechnology
Plant and Agriculture Biotechnology
Environmental Biotechnology
Nano Biotechnology
Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering
Systems and Synthetic Biotechnology
Biomass and Bioenergy
Bio economy
Animal biotechnology
Genetics and Molecular biotechnology
Marine Biotechnology
Food and Feed Biotechnology
Microbial/Industrial biotechnology
Cell/Molecular Biotechnology