International e-Conference on Innovation, Engineering 4.0 in Technology 4.0 and Education 4.0, ICIE4T4E4.0-2023
Call for Papers: International e-Conference on Innovation, Engineering 4.0 in Technology 4.0 and Education 4.0, ICIE4T4E4.0-2023

Call for Papers
We are organizing the International Conference on Innovation, Engineering 4.0 in Technology 4.0 and Education 4.0, ICIE4T4E4.0-2023, which will be held on September 21-22, 2023 with the sponsorship of the Science Academy (
The ICIE4T4E4.0-2023 conference provides the leading multidisciplinary online forum for researchers, professionals and educators to present and discuss the latest innovations, trends, new solution methods and concerns, practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted.
The ICIE4T4E4.0-2023 Conference covers three main themes: Innovation, Engineering 4.0 in Technology 4.0 and Education 4.0.
The ICIE4T4E4.0-2023 Conference is a 5-day global conference that will welcome the most outstanding researchers in innovation, Engineering 4.0 in Technology 4.0 and Education 4.0 to foster dialogue, fuel collaborations and expand the frontiers of knowledge.
With the ICIE4T4E4.0-2023 Conference, we bring together stakeholders, decision makers, innovators and researchers.
- Innovation in Industry
- Innovation in Civil, Structure and Construction
- Innovation in Food and Food Safety
- Innovation in Agriculture and Agricultural Technologies
- Innovation in Environmental
- Innovation in Smart Vehicles and Otomotive
- Innovation in Aerospace
- Innovation in Energy, Alternative Energy and Renewable Energy
- Innovation in Oil, Natural Gas and Mining
- Innovation in Image and Signal Processing
- Innovation in Robotics and Automation
- Innovation in Smart Systems
- Innovation in Biotechnology and Bio-Informatics
- Innovation in Health and Health-Informatics
- Innovation in Medicine and Medicine-Informatics
1- Engineering 4.0
2- Production 4.0 and Quality 4.0
3- Food 4.0 and Engineering 4.0 in Food 4.0
4- Agriculture 4.0 and Engineering 4.0 in Agriculture 4.0
5- Industry 4.0 and Engineering 4.0 in Industry 4.0
6- Environmental 4.0 and Engineering 4.0 in Environmental 4.0
7- Software 4.0 and Engineering 4.0 in Software 4.0
8- Health 4.0 and Engineering 4.0 in Health 4.0
9- Medicine 4.0 and Engineering 4.0 in Medicine 4.0
10-Otomotive 4.0 and Engineering 4.0 in Otomotive 4.0
11-Construction 4.0 and Engineering 4.0 in Construction 4.0
- New teaching and learning methods and tools.
- Augmented reality.
- AI applications in education.
- Engaging undergraduate students in research.
- Active and collaborative learning and teaching.
- Innovation in engineering, science and technology education.
- Inductive learning, Project-based learning, Problem based learning.
- Engineering, science and technology employability for the future
- Future of engineering, science and technology education.
- Game-based learning.
- Student’s disability.
- Engineering, science and technology curriculum development trends.
- Employability for the future.
- Effective practices in continuing education and lifelong learning.
- Quality assurance in engineering, science and technology education.
- Mobile learning.
- AI applications in education and ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) education.
Prof. Dr Marina RangaScope: Smart Specialisation as a strategy to catalyse the development of early-stage regional innovation systems |
Prof. Dr. Duc Truong PhamScope: Intelligent Remanufacturing with Industry 4.0 technologies
Prof. Dr. Meerja Akhil Jabbar
Prof. Dr. Joanna PaliszkiewiczScope: The role of trust in management |
(Engineering 4.0 scopes Customer Centric Engineering, Interdisciplinary Engineering, Production 4.0, Quality 4.0, Half-Life Cycles, Halved product lifecycles, Data Access).
(Quality 4.0 scopes Digital tools applied to quality (AI, ML, Predictive Analytics), Excellence for sustainable , Performance and effective gains, Centralization of Quality Data and Content, E2E QMS, Quality Cost Transparency (COPQ), Estimated Quality, Supplier Quality and Product Development, Biggest challenges or barriers of Quality 4.0: Lack of digital skills and capabilities, Lack of clear digital strategy, Lack of Quality Culture, Fragmented and/or outdated infrastructure; Biggest success factors of Quality 4.0: People with Social Skills i.e. ability to create analytics and communicate business value, influence teams and experienced change managers.)
Industry 4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolution that is currently underway. Food, agriculture, building and environment were affected by Industry 4.0. As a result of this interaction, systems such as food 4.0, agriculture 4.0, construction 4.0 (Smart House, Smart Building, Smart Factory etc.) and environment 4.0 have developed. Engineering 4.0 integrates engineering research and emerging manufacturing and manufacturing processes into 4.0 technologies through digital transformation.
With the Industry 4.0 process, curriculum course requirements for 4.0 technologies emerged in the departments that train engineers. In addition, the need for a technological environment where students can apply 4.0 technologies has emerged. In these technological environments, there are application needs related to the way digital technologies such as Internet of Things, Robotics, Cloud Computing, Additive Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence and others do business and work.
With the Industry 4.0 process, the need for Education 4.0 has emerged.
Existing faculties with Industry 4.0 skills are not sufficient to meet curriculum requirements. The current curriculum is already stuffy and meets accreditation requirements. Adding a new course requires deleting some of the existing content. Traditional credit-hour, semester-based course delivery makes it difficult to quickly incorporate Industry 4.0-specific content into the curriculum.
In this environment of exponential technological change, we as educators and 4.0 technology managers need to ask ourselves tough questions such as:
Is the current engineering education system suitable for today?
Are we decades behind our times?
What should be the new model of engineering education?
What should be our Engineering 4.0 movement that will go hand in hand with Industry 4.0, Food 4.0, Agriculture 4.0 and Environment 4.0?
Will graduate institutions be sufficient to train Engineer 4.0?
Are private institutions and organizations needed to train Engineer 4.0?
How should Education 4.0 be?
The answers to these questions will be sought in this conference.
Due to growing concerns about COVID-19, International Conference on Innovation, Engineering 4.0 in Technology 4.0 and Education 4.0, ICIE4T4E4.0-2022 will cancel its physical conference this year and shifting to a fully virtual conference. This unfortunate event does give us the opportunity to innovate on how to host an effective virtual conference. Therefore, organizing committees are now working very hard to create a virtual conference that will be valuable and engaging for both presenters and participants.
The virtual conference is scheduled to be held on September 19-23, 2022. Hence, all presenters for ICIE4T4E4.0-2022 are required to prepare a Virtual Video Presentation and must follow the attached guidelines for the preparation of your video presentation.
Full papers in Engineering Researches Scopes will be published in Proceedings by Conference Organizing Committee, in JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCHES.
The e-Conference will be organized exclusively as an online conference, and the English is the only language of the conference.
Academicians and participants can submit papers to these ongoing conferences at any time. There will be no time limit for continuous conferences.
Papers sent to the conference will immediately be sent to the referees/guest referees in the scientific committee.
The referees/guest referees in the scientific committee will evaluate the submitted papers as soon as possible.
Accepted papers will be published on the journal's web page with the ISSN number after the conference participation fee is paid.
In addition, the participants whose papers are accepted will be able to present their papers online as a powerpoint presentation, live via Zoom or as a poster at the end of each quarter.
Sessions will take place from remote locations via our web-streamed conference stage. Registered attendees will log in to the Conference organisation committee webstream to view sessions, participate in Q&A with speakers, engage with each other, and meet with exhibitors.
Our robust online exhibit floor experience will allow exhibitors to demo their products, share videos and downloadable documents and hold face-to-face and group meetings with attendees.
All papers accepted by the Scientific Committee are published as Conference Proceedings, in the form of e-Book in pdf file exposed at the website, or are published in the Open Journals (based on author's decision) of Sciences Academy . The Conference Proceedings have ISSN are submitted for indexing by the j-index and Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), and to the other relevant international databases.