Special Session: Call for Papers of Mechatronic Researches, Engineering 4.0 in Mechatronic
Special Session: Call for Papers of Mechatronic Researches, Engineering 4.0 in Mechatronic

Call for Papers
We are organizing the International e-Conference on Engineering Researches and Engineering 4.0, ICERE4.0-2023 Conference which will be held on 21-22 September 2023 with the sponsorship of the Science Academy (www.sciencesacademy.org).
The Special Session will be organized exclusively as an online conference, and the English is the only language of the conference.Academicians and participants can submit papers to these ongoing conferences at any time. There will be no time limit for continuous conferences.
Papers sent to the conference will immediately be sent to the referees/guest referees in the scientific committee.
The referees/guest referees in the scientific committee will evaluate the submitted papers as soon as possible.
Accepted papers will be published on the journal's web page with the ISSN number after the conference participation fee is paid.
In addition, the participants whose papers are accepted will be able to present their papers online as a powerpoint presentation, live via Zoom or as a poster at the end of each quarter.
Sessions will take place from remote locations via our web-streamed conference stage. Registered attendees will log in to the Conference organisation committee webstream to view sessions, participate in Q&A with speakers, engage with each other, and meet with exhibitors.
Our robust online exhibit floor experience will allow exhibitors to demo their products, share videos and downloadable documents and hold face-to-face and group meetings with attendees.
All papers accepted by the Scientific Committee are published as Conference Proceedings, in the form of e-Book in pdf file exposed at the Sciences Academy website, or are published in the Open Journals (based on author's decision) of Sciences Academy . The Conference Proceedings have ISSN, and are submitted for indexing by the j-index and Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), and to the other relevant international databases.
Special Session: Mechatronic and Engineerİng 4.0 aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Mechatronic and Engineering 4.0 in Mechatronic. It also provides a premier multidisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions acquired in the fields of Mechatronic and Engineering 4.0 in Mechatronic.
Conference Web Site: